Saturday, May 16, 2009

birthday girl

happy birthday to me.. happy birthday to me..
sorry, i am awfully giddy about today because today is the day i am turning 18!
yes, no, maybe so? i have no idea
but i am loving the start of a new age!
so what i decided to wear today was a little shirt that i think has such a romantic ruffle to it. it reminded me of half a wedding dress due to the lace ruffles and pearl color. [yes i bought this shirt as a gift to myself]
like, i never believe in buying gifts for people. not because i am selfish but because i don't feel like i should be obligated to get people stuff. so this year, i stored away my accounts and tried my best to make homemade cards or even stall or dodge the "birthday dates" on my calendar. evidently, i received nothing on my birthday from any of my friends due to my "unobliging" to their bdays. but at least i didn't have to pounce around and remind all my friends that my birthday was today and how they should be getting ready with something nice in a gift box or gift bag waiting for me at 12:00 AM May 16th. however, i do secretly wished that they got me something just because they wanted to, not because i bought them a gift before and my own birthday gift was a trade off. it just makes me uncomfortable to be in such a situation.

but when i got home, i was pleasantly surprised. my parents had already planned out a whole dinner party with just the family. very sentimental. very sweet. it just reminded me the meaning of a birthday. it is celebration of your youth and age with the people that helped cultivate you into the person you are today.

and you know what was even more memorable? that nothing in the room was full with obligation.

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